10 November 2007

Celidah and Context

I think I have discovered where the modern liberal arts, particularly the study of English literature, have failed. (At least, I've come a step closer to realizing what my father has been telling me for years.) Part of becoming educated is to develop a sense of context. To properly understand a text, a student has to have read many of the books that influenced the writer. He may even need to have tried writing texts himself to get a feel for the narrative. The goal of context is to build up a body of ideas and experiences held in common with a writer. Without this context, modern students are simply floundering in the dark for a world of lost meaning.

Tonight, thanks to a tradition barn dance called a celidah sponsored by the chaplaincy, I am one step closer to the context I need for the works of Jane Austen. Just imagine the experience...

The band slows toward the end of a song, signaling a dance is about to begin. A young man asks me to dance. I feel no sense of drama because my heart already belongs to someone else, but I am excited to be dancing. We line up in triplets--girl, boy, girl. The caller briefly outlines the dance and off we go, galloping down the floor, turning, and returning again. A few spins, a circle, and we're off galloping again until the caller calls out "boys advance" and the two women pass our partner on to another man. As the dance continues, I notice how different it is to be partnered with each different men. Some are unfamiliar and strange, bizarre partners. Others just aren't attractive, probably sweating profusely. Some can't dance very well and I lead them through an awkward round before passing them on gratefully. Others are familiar and I cling to them like a lifeline in a storm of chaos. Around and around we go and every time we switch, I imagine the ecstasy of meeting the man I love at the next reel. And that is the moment I realize what it must have been like to be Anne Elliot. I look around them warm room, sweaty, smiling young faces all around me, and realize I've stepped into the world of any of Jane Austen's heroines.

That is context. That is a life experience that will fundamentally shape the way I read a particular author's books for the rest of my life. The celidah opened a window into another time and another place, bringing one step closer to the sophistication and art of Austen's works.

Of course, that realization comes with the far more humbling one that I will never grasp the full depths of Austen's works. She is in a time and a place far removed from me. I shall have to continue, as an English student, to do my best to have as many exciting experiences and to explore as many new ideas as I can.


Silviai said...

I think I have always had problem with context in literature. I think ultimately that's why I chose science.
But I like dancing... so now you are telling me I should just have danced more?

Ok, let's see how it goes with operetta in the meantime....

smfincher said...

I love it when you reference your ol'Pop.....especially when you say he was right all along.....

Reading the District said...

coming from a modern literature perspective, i'd agree with you up to a point. i personally think that without knowing or at least bein familiar with all of the different historical influences that certain poets internalized in a certain period of time (i'm thinking of the 1950s and 60s now), to analyze a poem is really difficult, cause most poems carry a history of times as well as their own history.

but on the other end of things, i think you don't always need context because you as a reader bring your own context and history into the book or poem yr reading. you have a certain understanding of things, and you use whenever you read. so it's important to keep that in mind, too.

but just as a quick thing, my piano teacher at GW studied Chopin in Poland, and danced the polonaise and then REALLY understood how to play Chopin polonaises...

yay for dancing!